Monday 13 December 2010


Although the state’s case seems pretty weak and purely based on the testimony of Zola Tongo and circumstantial evidence, they have an ace up their sleeves.

The fourth suspect, Monde Mbolombo, a receptionist at the Protea Hotel Colosseum in Cape Town, who was the middle man that introduced Shrien Dewani to Tongo, and Tongo to Mnguni and Qwabe, is the state's key witness.

Mbolombo has been granted indemnity from prosecution and will not be spending any time in jail if he testifies truthfully in Anni Dewani’s murder trial. He is currently under police protection.

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Shrien made the huge mistake of not paying his accomplices what he promised.

At 17:35 on the day Anni was killed, Mbolombo posted the following message in Xhosa on his Facebook page: “Jengokuba undibilisela amanzi, awakho ayatsholoza,” which means “you are plotting against me, but there is bigger trouble coming for you”.

The nagging question on everyone's lips though is still 'Why did he do it.'

This part of the movie has not yet been released so this is pure speculation, but my gut is very seldom wrong.
I have been wracking my brain to find a reason why Shrien Dewani killed his wife, and none of the usual motives – money, passion and vengeance – seem to apply.

I spent a large part of my life in the company of criminals.
Armed robbers, murderers, killers (there is a difference) drug lords and petty thieves.
I know them all well, and I understand the underlying currents of their psyche.
Shrien does not fit any of these profiles.

If Anni had been unfaithful or there was a huge policy payout due the British media would have been on it in a flash.
So, at this stage it seems that none of the usual motives apply.

Then I remembered a special breed of criminal.
The one who considers himself to be a cut above the rest. The one who does not get caught. The one obsessed with committing the perfect crime.
But like an addictive drug, when this type of criminal gets away with a crime, he starts craving for the same thrill again, and again.

There is no real point in committing a perfect crime if no one knows about it, so sooner or later the criminal cannot resist bragging about his feat.
Ultimately, he has to tell somebody. He needs, indeed craves, a 'reputation.' Fame in the criminal world.

Zola Tongo said that Shrien Dewani revealed to him that this would not be the first time he was involved in a similar faked hijacking and murder in South Africa.

In 2007, Dr. Pox Raghavjee was murdered in King William's Town. The case has never been solved, and even though there was a R100 000 reward offered, there were no leads forthcoming.

Can it be co-incidence that Dr Raghavjee’s widow knows Shrien Dewani and that she drove to Cape Town to comfort him after Anni’s death?

I don’t think so.

My gut tells me that Shrien Dewani is a very sick maniac who gets a thrill out of orchestrating murder and getting away with it.
Look at these pictures of him in manacles after his arrest in Britain.
Note the tracksuit emblazoned with his initials. Between the lines, this kind of attire, like the number plates some idiots have made for their cars, says 'I am the man.'
Look closely at his eyes. See the dull mania in them.

And if this is not the first time that he has done it, his planning would have been even more elaborate.

This kind of sick mind believes shit like ‘If this time around I have my own wife of only two weeks killed, they will never suspect me in a million years.’

He planned this thing long before he married poor Anni.

Anni Dewani The Movie - Part one - Part two - Part Four


I’ve just read your article with interest and was disappointed there is nowhere to leave a comment.

With reference to your words:
“Note the tracksuit emblazoned with his initials. Between the lines, this kind of attire, like the number plates some idiots have made for their cars, says 'I am the man.'”

Are you aware of the clothing brand Super-Dry which has the initials SD?
I suspect not.
His tracksuit is of this brand and is commonly worn in the UK.

I also suspect that your opinions will be laughed at once this case reaches it’s climax.
There is not one shred of reliable evidence against Mr Dewani.
Tell me one and I’ll happily eat my hat.

Amazing to think that people like you cannot simply look at the facts objectively and see that the most probable motive (based on all reliable evidence to date) is that of attempted rape (as reported right from the start due to her state of undress when found) which went very very wrong…..

Of course it’s a lot more satisfying for you to write stories based on non-evidence, heresay and your astonishing intuition……

I look forward to hearing your response and/or letting open minded people like myself comment on your articles which are based purely on a hunch and nothing else…..

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