It could be that you have tickets for a
major sporting event, movie or show, or it could be that
you simply planned a night out with the girls/boys.
You leave work at 4pm on Fridays, and all your plans are
based on this premise.
At 2pm on Friday, your boss calls you into
the office and tells you that he has a very important meeting
first thing on Monday morning, and that he needs you to
work a few hours late to prepare a detailed report that
is crucial to his meeting.
1. You simply accept your fate, work late
and sacrifice your plans. (Lose-Win)
2. You fly into a rage and tell him to shove his job because
you ‘... have a life and he doesn’t own you.’
3. You say nothing, shelve your plans and work late to finish
his report, but on Monday you call in sick for the rest
of the week, knowing that this will seriously compromise
him. (Lose-Win or is it Win-lose or is it....)
4. You explain to him that you had already made plans that
are very important to you, and if he had given you prior
warning you would probably have been able to adjust your
plans accordingly. You suggest taking the work home with
you and trying your best to finish it over the weekend,
even coming in earlier on Monday if necessary to have the
report on his desk when he needs it. (Win-Win)
There you have
Passive, Aggressive, Passive-Aggressive and Assertive.
Which one are you, and which one should you be?