Of course all the red-blooded men in the
world wanted more of The Sexiest Woman in the World, and
in just two days 16 gigs of bandwidth was devoured, causing
Yummie to collapse, exhausted.music being played at the
venue at ungodly hours.

Yummie is not used to that
kind of traffic, and I was not prepared to invest in more
bandwidth simply to accommodate the oglers, so I decided
to let it ride until the 1st July.
But then I got involved with Don Pedros
in Roodebloem Road Woodstock, and for the past month I have
been working 16 hour days tightening up the nuts and bolts
of the venue, while at the same time feeding my revived
It’s getting there slowly, but there
is still lots of work to be done so I will not be able to
update this site daily just yet.
But I promise to do it at least once a week
until the venue is where it should be.