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Monday 6 June 2011


People often tell me ‘You should really open your own restaurant’, and I smile.
I smile because I know just how difficult, expensive and risky it is.

For various reasons, the event industry has become a very stressful one, and lately I have been sporadically thinking that I should find another outlet for my energy.
But the entertainment industry is all I know.
Or is it?

A couple of weeks ago, guitarist James Kibby invited me to his birthday bash at Don Pedros in Woodstock.
I had an event on the night and had forgotten all about James’ party.
But Don Pedros is on the way home and as I drove past I saw James standing outside chatting to a group of people.

I stopped and went to wish James.
That’s when I learnt that Vernie had bought Don Pedros four months ago.
Vernie is family.

Vernie told me that his intention had been to turn the place into a live music venue.
But Don Pedros is a small venue and Vernie was finding it very difficult to sustain the live music concept.
On top of that, the neighbours complained about noise levels and the authorities were threatening to shut the place down, because the venue does not have an entertainment license.

Don Pedros has always been the kind of place where you could go as you are and be who you are.

The food was fairly good, the drinks were wet, and the prices were reasonable.
But Don Pedros owed its 20 years of success to the fact that like-minded people hung out there.
The bohemian crowd, the arty crowd, the musicians, artists, actors, dancers, poets, comedians and generally the ‘struggle’ people.
Don Pedros welcomed these people with open arms and everyone felt at home.

Vernie now has no real choice but to concentrate on good food, drink and ambience if he is to sustain the venue. But he needed help
Good food.

A penny dropped.

One thing led to another, and it seems that I will soon be cooking up a storm at Don Pedros.

But first to clean up the act.
Starting today.
I will keep you posted.

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Kader Khan

Leigh-Ann Clarke
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It is pronounced pah-el-ya, but the first L is pronounced in a rather complicated way where the tongue does not actually touch the pallet. So it sounds closer to pah-eh-ya.
Got it?
Let’s cook!
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