So is this a good thing or
I think Ninja and Yolandi
with her old tits are far more tuned in to the
situation than most would think.
Copying already pirated copies is the order
of the day and artists are fighting a losing battle if they
think making a fortune out of record sales is still possible.
Traditionally, artists depended on record
companies to invest megabucks on hype campaigns to make
them famous.
Today we have Youtube and the Internet and Die Antwoord’s
global marketing campaign was achieved by the click of a
button and at no cost.
So if no one is buying their records (would
you actually want to listen to this crap?) why
are their live performances so popular?
Because a live performance is supposed to
be just that.
A performance.
In today’s world of stereotyped formula
artists, the market is hungry for fresh shit.
Shit, but fresh.
Not original in any sense of the word – Alice Cooper
would be proud of Ninja – but fresh none the less.
Good lord. Is it frozen?
Having said that, Die Antwoord is a classic
fuck show.

And the masses are prepared
to spend good money to witness a fuck show live on stage.
Shot Ninja and Yolandi
with her new tits!