But there were powerful others who knew
Jacob Zuma better that what I did.
When Thabo Mbeki was disgraced, they recognised in Zuma
the perfect puppet to further their own unscrupulous and
corrupt ambitions.
The fact that I liked him was one of the reasons why they
chose him.
And boom!
Jacob Zuma was the new President of South Africa.
Since then he has gone on to prove beyond
any reasonable doubt their theory that he is harmless.
Zuma does not have the vuma to make any waves. |
It’s a pity, because he still tries
very hard to come across as a diplomat.
And he still sometimes says the right things.
Speaking at a Nursing Summit in Sandton
on Tuesday he said:
‘Public servants think that they
are doing members of the public a favour, when in fact they
are providing services that citizens are entitled to.
The Constitution of the republic states that everyone has
the right to have access to health care services... It is
their right and not a privilege that can be taken away by
government, and public servants or any other institution
in society.’
‘The era of the rude, uncaring
and impatient civil servant or nurse must be a thing of
the past as we build a caring government and a caring society,’
he said, ensuring that his warning was heard by his audience
by repeating himself.
He said that in this New South Africa people
behaved differently when they worked for government and
‘even become very pompous.’