He should have stuck to his word.
But, Lolly was not a man of his word.
According to business associates, when it came to making
payments Jackson’s policy was ‘10% up front.
The balance in court.’
In the end, Lolly was shot several times
in the home of one of his ‘friends’,
Georgios Toumbis, a Greek ‘businessman.’
And, he was certainly not shot for a cell phone.

There are many unanswered questions around
the killing.
What was he doing at the friend’s house when/if the
friend was not home?
How did the killer get in and then later lock the house?
Why did he call the police to tell them he shot a man?
Why did he leave with Jackson’s Jeep Cherokee?
How did he get there?
Why did Jackson’s wife exclaim ‘What was
he doing here? When she arrived on the scene?
Not that many people care.
Those who had dealings with Lolly Jackson mostly agree with
his strip club rival Andrew Phillips, who had nothing good
to say about him.
"He was trash - a bigot, racist, extortionist,
megalomaniac. I think the world is better off. He was pollution,
there was no other way to describe him. The air has been
purified.’ Phillips told The Star newspaper.
Kader Khan