I called Neotel Customer Care.
The operator promptly told me to ‘go to control
panel. Click on phones and modems. Click on etc etc.’
Same message.
‘Sir’ said the operator, ‘There
is a problem with the device and we will have to replace
the unit. You should get the new unit by Thursday.’
‘Thursday!?’ I exclaimed,
‘I can’t wait until Thursday!’
‘You are in Cape Town sir,’ responded the
operator, ‘nd our Cape Town office does not have
units in stocks. We will have to send it from Johannesburg.’
Thank God I never accept things at face
value. I restarted my computer.
It didn’t work.
I uninstalled and re-installed the device and software.
It didn’t work.
I was about to resign myself to the fact
that I would be without Internet until Thursday, when
I decided, as a last straw, to switch the device off,
and on again.
You are now connected to the Internet!
So much for Neotel’s customer care.
I intended writing about ‘Eve’s
Footprint’ and my wonderful day at Preekstoel yesterday.
I will now have
to do that for tomorrow’s post.