I started at the bottom and worked my way
up the ladder over many years by watching, learning, working
with and for the pros.
I have managed superclubs like Galaxy and West End, Hanover
Street and @mospheer.
I was there when Mojo Concerts (Netherlands) taught EskAfrika
the ropes, in The Netherlands and in Cape Town. A better
teacher would be very hard to find.
Concerts - The Lowlands Festival in The Netherlands |
first time that I paid any attention to Soundscape’s
NYE party at the CTICC, was when Mark’s status
said “Over 9000 tickets sold.’
At the same time he was already marketing his 2-day
Summer Festival with Paul van Dyk.
Again, enviously and somewhat grudgingly, I admitted
that Mark had finally ‘made it.’

Then came the complaints.
Admittedly, out of the over 4000 that apparently attended
the event, there are only a handful who are making their
gripes public on the social pages.
Where there is smoke there is fire and Mark had better realise
that those few bitching about the event represent the 5%
that do complain.
The other 95% will just stay away from similar Soundscape
events in the future.
Personally, I think that, when he took on
a 2day outdoor festival with one of the world’s top
DJs headlining, Mark, who is used to fighting street fights,
entered the main arena, unaware that there were live lions
waiting for him in there.
As it is, he was exposed as not being a gladiator at all.
So does this spell the end of Mark and Soundscape.
I don’t think so, and I certainly hope not.
Mark just needs to learn a few lessons from
this experience.
There is a huge difference between an Events
Company and an Event Organiser.
An Events Company implements the brief from the client,
for a fee.
An Events Organiser conceptualises and invests in his vision.
Therefore, unless the Event Organiser is
also an expert Events Company, he/she needs to employ the
services of a specialised Events Company.
People pay good money to attend these events.
The entertainment attracts the patron, but the consumer
experience is what makes or breaks an event.
The solution?
Outsourcing infrastructure to reliable providers with proven
track records, and then keeping track of them 24/7.
Simple things really.
Toilets, security, parking, access, disaster management,
power, running water, sound, staging, lighting, visual projection,
emergency services, food, bars etc.
And the most important lesson……
Never offer what you cannot deliver.