It is not always easy, and
in moments of weakness I choose to go into my shell, and
if necessary, let time heal the wounds.
And there are many wounds.
And I have been doing relatively well and I am sure that
I will overcome and in time even this deadly gaping wound
will heal.
But right now, I am insanely furious.
When there is a problem between two parties,
the only way to solve the problem is if both parties attack
the problem.
My main weapons of attack are usually a direct approach,
truth - or rather fact, and honesty.
But when the other party uses lies and assumptions
as a weapon, or even worse, indirect passive aggression
and a betrayal on top of that, my assertiveness and courage
is well and truly rendered harmless.
The truth of the matter is that this is
not a battle that I even want to win.
But that probably makes me the loser.
Because, this passive aggressive attack
on my soul coupled with a betrayal is hurting really badly.
And it angers me.
A ferocious anger.