Of course you will go to heaven
if you carry an ANC card, and of course you will go to hell
if you have any other card.
Not even your priceless Platinum Masters Card will suffice.
Because, you see, to get into heaven, you
have to be a member of the chosen people.
No other peoples will be admitted.
I know, because the preacher did tel me
so. And the rabbi. And the Imam. And my mommy. Its in the
Bible. And the Quran. And the Torat.
Zuma and the ANC recognise winning formula.
The concept of 'the chosen people' has often
been tweaked to read 'the chosen race' and used very succesfully
to brainwash the ignorant and fearful masses.
And, because he often conveniently remembers
that he is an African, with a unique culture that
was ingrained in his people for millennia, Zuma threw in
a darkest Africa threat for good measure by reminding
his gullible audience that ‘Your forefathers will
haunt you if you do not vote ANC.’ (Just in case
there were some hardcore Africans in the audience. You know,
those who are suspicious of White religions. Like Sangomas)
That should yield many votes to keep us in power for
a long time to come.’ |
The sad reality is that it probably will.