As a result the wife was unable for three
years to return to Britain.
Ironically the plan backfired when the immigration
officer was selected for a promotion and his wife's name
was found on the suspects’ list during a vetting inquiry.
But like in South Africa, if you are connected
to or work for government, crime does pay and the official
was simply dismissed for misconduct.
Meantime, the BBC had found that the regulation
of hypnotherapists in the UK is so lax that even a cat can
be registered as a professional.
Chris Jackson, presenter of Inside Out in
the North East and Cumbria, registered his cat George with
three industry bodies.

Each one accepted a certificate from the
non-existent Society of Certified Advanced Mind Therapists
as proof of George’s credentials.
And in America Dr Steve Eichel did exactly
the same thing when he too registered his cat as a therapist.
In the UK, George was registered with the
British Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming (BBNLP), the
United Fellowship of Hypnotherapists (UFH) and the Professional
Hypnotherapy Practitioner Association (PHPA).