Monday 14 March 2011


In 2005, Shabir Shaik was found guilty of corruption and fraud and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.

If you want details of exactly who he is and what he is guilty of click here.

After serving two years and four months of his sentence, most of which was spent in the relative luxury of a hospital, he was released on parole on the basis that he was ‘in the final stages of terminal illness’ suffering from severe cardiovascular problems and organ damage.


Shaik is currently being investigated by the police and correctional services for attacking a female journalist at the Papwa Sewgolum Golf Course in Durban.
He did not like the questions that she asked him, so he grabbed her throat, slapped her on both cheeks and asked her if she was a ‘terrorist’.

On Friday, being a so-called Muslim, Shaik went to the Masjid-al-Hilal mosque in Overport Durban for the Friday noon prayers.
When he arrived outside the mosque there was no parking close to the mosque, so he parked his Chrysler Jeep in the driveway of the car park.

42-year-old accountant Mohammed Ismail’s daughter suffers from nephritic syndrome, a sometimes-fatal illness.

On Friday afternoon, Ismail received an emergency call from his doctor , telling him that they urgently needed his help regarding his five-year-old daughter.
When Ismail rushed out to his car in the parking lot of the mosque, he found that he was blocked in by a Chrysler Jeep parked in the driveway.

When Shaik eventually returned to the vehicle he ignored Ismail.

"There was no apology... so I hooted," Ismail said.

Shaik then got out of his vehicle and walked to where Ismail was sitting in his car.
‘What’s your problem!’ demanded an agitated Shaik.
When Ismail informed him of the situation with his daughter , and equally agitated asked Shaik ‘How the hell can you park like that? What kind of a Moslem are you? (sic)’ a heated argument ensued.

Shaik then reached into Ismail’s Mercedes Benz and proceeded to repeatedly punch him the face, before three bystanders dragged him away.

In front of the small crowd that had gathered, Shaik shouted to Ismail ‘As a Muslim, you should not be rushing to the hospital but should be in the mosque praying.’

Several times he broke free of those trying to restrain him and hit Ismail again, before storming off in his vehicle.

Bystanders then told Ismail who Shaik was, and advised him to not take the matter further because of ‘the influence that Shaik had.’

For all those who posted negative comments and emailed me about the folly of my article ‘South Africa Needs a Dictator,’ here is living and very healthy proof of how criminals are treated and allowed to behave in South Africa.

"That was no sick man who hit me. He was very much alive and forceful," said Ismail.

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Kader Khan

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