But having said that, the premise
that the initiative is based is not only a good one, but
essentially the only one that will bring about the change
that will make South Africa the best country in the world
to live in.
The Lead SA campaign encourages us as individuals
to remember the basics and then stand up and make the change.
No one can deny that during the period 11
June – 11 July 2010 South Africa was a wonderful place
to be.
During the hosting of the soccer world cup the whole world
watched in awe as a united South Africa opened up their
hearts to the world.
But in our everyday lives we have forgotten
and lost the quality to open our hearts to each other.
That’s really all we have to do.
If we can all do that, South Africa would be the best place
in the world.
If we do that, as a nation, we would be
empowered to fix EVERYTHING else.
Do yourself a favour and check
out the site and watch the video.
Then stand up!