As regular readers will know, I spent
a lot of time towards the end of last year writing articles
for MommyTalk.
The site officially launches on Monday, and I have also
been assigned the task of writing a weekly updated column
called ‘Parenting – The Bigger Picture.’
Rather, I assigned the task to myself.
On Yummie, I have been pretty much writing
what ever came to mind for a long time now, and often,
even I find many of the articles on Yummie to be sarcastic
negative babble.
I agree that if one does not offer a solution
to a problem one should refrain from bitching about it.
But what - besides bitch about it - can
I do to solute the problem of warring nations, corrupt
governments, child-abusing clerics, unscrupulous traders,
incompetent teachers, crazed gangsta rappers, robbers,
rapists, the SABC, The Daily Voice, Martin Lawrence, Nicholas
Cage, Derek van Damme ( for fok's sake say 'rain'. Nobody
does 'precipitation' any more)…..the list goes on
and on and on.
In case you are wondering
– 'solute' should be added to the dictionary
as such.
Solution n. >verb - solute.
Common use – solve the mystery, resolve the
issue, solute the problem.
Some wise man once said
‘You cannot change the world, you can only change
For a while that was enough for me.
Been there. Done that.
It is not enough any more.
I want to make the world a better place.
I have a child who lives here. I have a grandchild who
lives here.
While doing research for the MommyTalk
column, I was reminded ‘Every child is born
with a clean slate. Everything else is nurtured.’
‘Education commences at the parent's knee, and
every word spoken within the hearsay of little children
tends towards the formation of character.’
Maybe I can encourage parents to nurture
compassion, respect, productivity, confidence, ethics,
principles, love, values, generosity and happiness in
their children?
That would make the world a better place!