When the email was doing
the rounds and I first heard Jack Parow’s ‘Jy
dink Jy’s Cooler as Ekke’, my immediate
reaction was ‘This is a hit.’
It has all the right ingredients.
After hearing the song once, the melody –
or lack thereof – is firmly imprinted in your
mind. One actually has no control over it. It replays
itself over and over in your head at every opportunity.
And, the lyrics are quite cute and funny, while
actually voicing a very real social issue.
The lyrics talk of rich mostly trust fund
kids (TFKs), or Trustafarians as they are known in ultra-hip
circles, and their attitude that they are better than
the have-nots.
It also highlights the belief of the have-nots that says
‘Your money does not make you better than me.’
The unique thing about the lyrics is that,
this Afrikaner ‘romantiese superstar rapper’
does not once talk about anything remotely connected to
This is not an issue that applies exclusively
to akker liefies or any other race. It applies across
the spectrum of age and racial divides, income groups
and sex.
I now hear that Jack Parow is by no means
a rapper for wet wipes, and is considered by some to be
a bit of a rude Boere Skollie Hip-Hop Rapper.
I don’t know about that.
I haven’t heard the other songs on the album.
Here are the unedited lyrics.
If you haven’t heard the song before or you simply
want to sing along, you
can click here to view the music video in a new window.
Parow innie moederfokken huisie
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want jy rook Yves Saint Laurent sigarette
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want jy't 'n tattoo van 'n slang op jou tette
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want jy't 'n plakaat van Led Zeppelin bo jou bed
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want jy's elke jaar by die J&B Met
ou nuus, ek kom met rou beats
Jy le en wag, ek gaan soek iets
Jy's Ice-T, ek's witblits
Jy's light bier, ek's spirits
Jy's die ou met new fresh look, ek's die ou met die Pep
Stores broek
Ek watch jou, ek koekeloer jou
Jy forward nog Vernon Koekemoer jokes
Ek's fantasties, jy's spasties
Ek vat aan poppies, jy raak aan klein kids
Jy's Tim Vorster, ek's Chris Edwards
Jy's in die bosse, ek rol in die vet shit
Jy's boring soos liedjies om die kampvuur
My styl slick sneak-sneaky soos 'n vampier
Jou styl slat sag soos 'n marshmallow
Meisies skreeu vir net one night in Parow
dink jy's cooler as ekke)
want jy hang saam met models en ek hang saam met slette
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want ek's 'n rapper en jy sing in falsette
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want ek ry op met die bus en jy vlieg op met 'n jet
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want jy ry in 'n Peugoet twee nul ses
rol met 'n selfoon in jou bed, ek rol nog met 'n thirty
three ten
Jou styl gooi sexy korrek, ek dra nog damn Mr.Price RED
As ek instap skrik die hele fokken bar, jy kry nog elke
dag geld by jou ma
Ek los die hele jol pap nat, as jy instap begin die hele
jol die pad vat
Ek's Amerika jy's Irak, ek bom jou laat die kak slap spat
Ek's 'n BiC pen, jy's 'n Mont Blanc
Jy loop rond met wit skuim op jou mond rand
Ek's original, jy's gecopy
Ek's 'n flash drive, jy's 'n floppy
Jy maak of jy alles het, maar jy's fake
Jack Parow, bra ek lewe soos 'n straat mate
dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want jy drink by Coup d'Etat en ek drink by De Dekke
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want jy is die gentleman, bra, ek's die pretter
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want ek hou vakansie in Hartenbos en jy hou vakansie in
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Omdat jy die nuwe issue van "One Small Seed"
Parow, bra ek's poeswoes, jy eet kaviaar en couscous
Ek drink Klipdrift, jy drink Peroni
Jy het vriende in Swede, ek het vriende in Benoni
Ek koop al my klere by die local Pep Store Savemore
Jy koop al jou fokken klere by A-store
Jy dra net fancy polo shirts
Shame, jy luister na die Dirty Skirts
naam's Parow, dik heavy uit geskollie
Jy lyk soos Jeremy de Tollie
Jack Parow die life van die party
Jy dra net fokken Issey Miyake
Jy's too cool vir school, ek's mos kief
Ek's Grasshoppers, jy's Le Coq Sportif
Jy laat die koek flop, ek laat die huis rys
Jou meisie het 'n foto van my piel op haar space case
dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want jy rook Yves saint Laurent sigarette
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ekke)
Want jy het 'n tattoo van 'n slang op jou tette
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want jy het 'n plakaat van Led Zeppelin bo jou bed
(Jy dink jy's cooler as ek)
Want jy's elke jaar by die J&B Met
Jack Parow, poes.