Greed is but one of the
seven deadly sins, but when I reflect on society today,
it seems that greed is at the root of most of our problems.
The acquisition of wealth has created
a greed that is all-consuming.
In those obsessed with this curse, it has consumed everything
else that is in the nature of man.
I am of the opinion that, by screening
the story of two criminals outlining their intentions
to rob and murder people during the upcoming FIFA World
Cup, E-tv was simply confirming that the station, like
those criminals, is driven by greed.
To E-tv, screening the story simply
meant more viewers = more advertising = more money.
It is claimed that by screening
this story E-tv is actively discouraging fans from travelling
to South Africa for the World Cup.
An E-tv reporter and news editor has now been served with
a subpoena and authorities want them to hand over the
tapes as well give the identities, addresses and contact
details of the persons interviewed.
Why did they have to use criminals
to warn tourists on what awaits them in South Africa?
There are so many options available
to them for achieving the same objective.
They could have used:
1. Corrupt government
officials intent on the acquisition of personal wealth.
2. FIFA slapping a 30% surcharge on all accommodation
3. Hotels and restaurants upping their prices
4. Airlines following suit
5. Just about everyone from holiday home owners to prostitutes
licking their lips in anticipation of fleecing the soccer
And, they did not even have
to conceal the identities of those involved, because the
police would not have threatened to act against the alleged
transgressors. Well, except maybe for the prostitutes.
But the just-as-greedy media throughout
the world are already carrying those stories.
Was E-tv simply being a little more creative?