The word Religion
is defined as a set of beliefs, often containing a set
of moral code governing the conduct of human affairs, and
usually involving devotional and ritual observances.
Now I have no problem with a set of
moral code. In fact, I believe that it is essential
to humanity.
I do however have a problem with devotional and ritual
observances, and these are usually directly related
to God.
So I am back to having a problem with God
and I don’t like problems.
I then decided to examine the word God more
The reality is that God means different things to different
Taoists describe God as ‘the subtle
reality of the universe’ while at the same time saying
it cannot be described.
Buddhists describe it as unborn, unoriginated, uncreated,
Hindus describe it as the source of all the gods and great
Judaism describes it as the self-existent one.
It goes on and on.
For a while there I was even intrigued by
the Baha’i faith, which deems God unknowable.
Until I learnt that Baha’u’llah
claimed to be a manifestation of god, just like -according
to him - personalities that includes Adam, Abraham, Moses,
Zoroaster, Krishna, The Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, The Bab
and various lesser known messiahs, prophets, messengers,
sons of god and gods incarnate.
And the only way that man can come close to God
is through them.
The truth is that although many of them
had noble intentions, not one of them actually knew God.
They were all simply voicing their opinions.
But the worst of it all is that they all claimed their way
was THE way, and over several millennia, disciples and so-called
religious leaders have continued the mass indoctrination.
Some of them are ignorantly sincere while others are blatantly
But they all continue to lead man further and further away
from God
We need a new religion.
A religion that will demystify God and reveal that god is
not an abstract but indeed the essence and, collective nature
of life.