I had placed it in a position where it would get enough
natural sunlight, and I watered it regularly, because
that’s what I thought it needed.
But after a few days, Fiekie, as I had named
the plant, began shedding its leaves.
I knew that something was drastically wrong.
The first thing that I learnt was that a Ficus
tree with yellow in its leaves was an unhealthy tree.
An unhappy tree.
So I familiarised myself with exactly what
Fiekie needed in order to thrive.
I learnt that Ficus trees hate being moved
to different locations.
I learnt that Ficus is a tropical plant and as such needs
lots of humidity.
I learnt that the leaves needed to be misted at least twice
daily. I learnt that Fiekie has to be fed with a weak solution
of slow-release fertiliser on a weekly basis, and how often
the plant needed to be watered. I learnt that I had to prune
Fiekie by cutting away all dead leaves and branches.
If I expected Fiekie to thrive while making
my lounge look pretty, it was my responsibility to make
sure that I supported the arrangement by ensuring that I
did my best to give the plant what it needs.
I have the power to destroy and kill Fiekie
off for good.
I also have the power to nurture the plant by giving it
what it needs so that Fiekie will continue making my lounge
look good.
That Ficus tree is me.
That Ficus tree is you.
By familiarising myself with Ficus trees
and its particular needs, I have been able to nurture Fiekie.
In turn Fiekie is slowly starting
to thrive and give me what I need by making my lounge
look good.
That is the nature of God.