of geographical and cultural divides, those seven
notes are universal, and the human brain reacts
to it in various ways.
Music therapy has even been found to be effective
on animals and plants.
But, if we don’t nip this thing in
the bud, entrepreneurs and marketers could soon be bombarding
us with, and subjecting us to many other universal languages
in their quest to get us to part with our money..
Take FIFA Secretary General Jérôme
Valcke for example.
Commenting on the FIFA World Cup Kick-off
Celebration Concert to be hosted on June 10 at Orlando
Stadium in Soweto, Valcke spoke of ‘the universal
and unifying power of football and music.’
The likes of Alicia Keys, Shakira and
Black Eyed Peas are scheduled to perform at this concert,
and the way in which Valcke got in his ‘universal
and unifying power of football’ pitch on the
backs of these performers is scary.
Soccer, like most competitive sports,
is a game of war. How does war unify us?
I know that soccer is big, but surely it’s not universal
is it?
I’m telling you, we’ve got
to nip this thing in the bud.
If we don’t we risk exposing ourselves
to whole new can of worms.
Think about it.
The universal and unifying power of wrestling?
strip clubs? koeksusters? corruption?
Somehow, I don’t see animals and plants thriving
on being exposed to these things.
Even worse, what if someone decided to
form a body called FIMA (Fédération Internationale
de la Musique Association), started hosting a Music World
Cup and trademarked or copyrighted all music and everything
remotely connected to music?