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Blade Nzimande is the general secretary of the South African Communist party.

When Jacob Zuma was elected president of South Africa, he created the Ministry of Higher Education and installed his staunch supporter and ally Blade as Minister of the new department.

Blade has always insisted that he does not condone wasteful expenditure under any circumstances, and that he stands firm in his condemnation of greed, corruption and selfishness in society.

He was also very adamant in that he was opposed to any form of unnecessary extravagance.

Yet, after less than two months in his new position of power, Blade is driving a R1.1m seven series BMW.

The ministry purchased the car and they insist that it is necessary, in line with the last risk assessment conducted by the SAPS.
"This included the provision of a car which is able to meet such requirements and respond to the needs of his diary."


Blade Nzimande is just another typical example of how politicians get into power, and how they change their tune once they are in power.

Power to the people.
And the money to the leaders.

Viva comrade Viva.

Kader Khan

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