


Yummie currently enjoys over 15000 readers, with +- 80 000 page views per month.
This is relatively tiny compared to the big daddies, but for the past six months I have been trying to figure out a way to monetize the site.
Even if its just to pay the server.
It’s proving to be an uphill battle, and I am not known for my patience.

I incorporated Google’s adsense and a couple of affiliate programs a few months ago, but income from this is miniscule.
Nobody is buying anything, and only about 0.01% of visitors click on any of the Google ads.
I’m not even allowed to incentivise or ask readers to help out by clicking on the ads.
Do you get it?
Do you Get it!

First For Woman Insurance 

I often read about people earning fortunes online.
One guy sold a million pixels on his homepage for a dollar each, for god’s sake.
I can’t even sell a Kruger Rand or an insurance policy.

I have now come to terms with the fact that my ideas are just not ridiculous enough to make money.

For instance:
Would you consider buying friends on Facebook?
I thought not.

But, Australian based firm is coining it by selling friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter.
You can buy 1000 facebook friends for $177, or 5000 – the limit on a standard profile - for $654.
Facebook fan pages have no limit and you can buy 1000 fans for $177 or 10 000 for just $1167.
They are apparently selling like hot cakes.

Now why didn’t I think of that?
Because it’s a ridiculous idea.
That’s why.

Facebook of course, probably pissed off that they did not come up with the idea themselves, has accused uSocial of ‘violating their terms’ and have threatened to ‘permanently disable any user who participates in the program.’

I hope they meant the user’s account, and not the user personally.

Kader Khan

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