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When Rashaad ‘Charra’ Abrahams was killed I posted two articles on this site.
Charra Bites The Dust was posted on the day after his death, and What Was Charra Up To the following day.

Since then, The Daily Voice, Die Burger, The Weekend Argus and the Cape Argus have contacted me.
The newshounds were all frantically searching for details surrounding his death, and of course juicy bits about the man himself.

The only local newspaper that did not contact me was The Cape Times, but one of their reporters posted a blog about my article.

He referred to the article as written by ‘The marketing Manager of @mospheer’ and the gist of his comment was ‘they seem very proud that he was never convicted.’
I left @mosheer in December 2007.
So much for the authenticity of that comment.

To date, no one has been able to uncover any further information on the circumstances of his death, but they are still digging.
I am now getting calls for ‘character references’ on the man.

Makro's birthday sale. Click to view catalogue. 

I met Charra many years ago, but we could never be termed close friends.
It is only when I started to work at @mosheer in 2005 that I grew to know the man.

There has always been talk of Charra’s underground activities, and they are not unfounded, but there are very few people – if any - who would be able to disclose details of this.
Charra played that aspect of his life very close to his chest.

When I approached him for a job, it took about six weeks before he agreed to employ me, and when he did, he was not prepared to pay what I had asked for.
In retrospect, he never intended to have anybody manage the club.
@mospheer was his personal toy, and he was not going to allow any one else to play with it.
He probably only employed me because he felt that I needed help.

But, he gave me endless opportunities to use the venue for my own personal gain.
He even put up the capital to facilitate these ventures.
This is something that no other club owner has ever done for me, and you should know that for many years I was involved with some of Cape Town’s top venues and event companies.

Whenever I had any kind of financial problems, Charra helped me without hesitation.
Once my car broke down and he paid for the repairs. A good few thousand Rands.
When I was battling with a 5-year-old desktop, he bought me this very Dell laptop that I am still using.
When I started this site, he gave me many designer items – ok the Chinese kind – to give away as prizes.
These things were done on a ‘ I will deduct a small amount from your salary every month’ basis, but he never deducted anything, and when I tried to remind him he said ‘I know. Don’t worry about it.’

Charra was a very intelligent and extremely articulate person who could hold his own in any company.
He never acted or behaved like a gangster, and was never surrounded by shady characters.

In my experience, he was a very kind human being, and I suspect that I am not the only person that he treated this way.

May you rest in peace my friend.
I for one, do not have a single bad thing to say about you.

Oh, and may I add that I am quite chuffed at all the journalists are reading the posts on Yummie!

Kader Khan

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