


Today has been one of those days when I felt really down.
Things have been really difficult lately, and I was experiencing one of those days when I felt the world was against me.
I’m sure you know the feeling.

I contemplated not updating the site, because I know that at times like this, it is best to keep my thoughts to myself.

I know everything there is to know about dealing with depression, but today it was just very difficult to find a positive that I could be grateful for.
Then I received a mail.

It was one of those annoying chain mails, but this one was slightly different.
It did not promise me good luck, a vast fortune and irresistible appeal to the opposite sex if I passed it on to my entire address book.

Nor did it threaten gloom and disaster if I did not.
Instead, this one begged me, literally begged me, to forward the mail.

The essence of the mail was to not waste food and water.
The accompanying photos jolted me into reality, and how much I actually have to be grateful for.

I posted really small thumbnails of some of the pics.
If you have the stomach for it you can click on the thumbs to view the big picture, but be warned.
It’s shocking.

First For Woman Insurance 

Sudan 1 Sudan 2 Sudan 3 Sudan 4 Sudan 5

Kader Khan

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