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On 13 January this year, I posted a list of predictions on what we can expect in South Africa for the year 2009.

I don’t want to blow my own vuvuzela, but most, if not all of these predictions uncannily occurred. I am posting the list again, just to prove a point.
Ok, for one or two of them you need inside information, otherwise there would be no way of checking on it.

Just take my word for it. I have inside information.

Below is the list exactly as it was posted on the site on 13 January. Come on, use the search box if you don’t believe me.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Its that time of the year.
We have forgotten about our personal New Years resolutions, and we now turn our attentions to what else we can expect for the year ahead.
Below are some guaranteed predictions of events to look forward to in South Africa in 2009.

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· Najwa Petersen will go insane

· 12 people will win over R1000 at Grand West Casino

· Jacob Zuma will sing Mshini Wam 37 times. SABC will screen each rendition.

· The SABC will rescreen ‘Message in a Bottle.’

· David Kramer will produce another coloured musical

· Manto Shabala-Msimang will get drunk

· The first world will call for ‘Strong Action’ against Bob Mugabe.

· Nazier Kapdi will not be caught with tik again. He wont be caught near tik again. He will continue dealing from a distance.

· Galaxy will celebrate its 31st Anniversary with ‘The Biggest Party Ever’. Vicky Sampson, N2 and Loyiso will perform.

· Thabo Mbeki will not run for President

· Ratanga Junction will be closed for 9 months

· The Supreme Court will rule in favour of Judge President John Hlophe. The Constitutional Court will then appeal to the Constitutional Court to overrule the judgement.

· Julius Malema will award himself an honorary matric certificate

Kader Khan

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