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The wealth of a nation is born of the marriage of the people with its territory.
The amount of wealth produced therefore varies according to the potency of the two sides of the union: the intelligence, skill, and strength of the people, and the richness of the territory.

The art of government is in matching their people to their territory.
The prime duties of government are three.
First, to protect the national territory, secondly to preserve peace within its boundaries, and thirdly to ensure that every family unit of the nation has space in the nation's territory for a home and a means of livelihood.

When a government adopts a ‘fat cat’ culture while ignoring the plight of the masses, the people are bound to get restless.

Municipal Workers Strike 1  
Municipal Workers Strike 2

When workers are unable to afford a simple life, while officials are enjoying fancy houses and cars, fat salaries and abounding perks, the masses are bound to get restless.
They have every right to get restless.

 Municipal Workers Strike 3

Our ‘government’ is referred to as the ‘ruling’ party.

With eleven official languages to deal with, I suppose some of them got the meaning of the words ‘govern’ and ‘rule’ a bit mixed up.
These are some of the options that could have influenced their attitude.

Main Entry:gov·ern
Transitive verb
1: to exercise continuous sovereign authority over
Intransitive verb
1: to prevail or have decisive control

Main Entry:Rule
Transitive verb
1: to exercise control over, especially by curbing or restraining
2: to exercise authority or power over, often harshly or arbitrarily
Intransitive verb
1: to exercise supreme authority
2: to be first in importance or prominence.

Kader Khan

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