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With over six million South Africans facing serious debt trouble, surprisingly few of them are taking advantage of debt counseling.

Many of the six million are young talented people who are seen as the cream of South Africa’s future.
They are in debt trouble because financial institutions targeted them and they went through a mad year or a few months of acquiring credit cards, store accounts, a too-expensive car and a home exceeding their means.

“Take the real case of Megan and Bruce: they bought a modest townhouse two years ago in Cape Town, stopped their credit card and wisely froze their monthly bond repayment of R5000pm, but now, more than 10 interest rate hikes later and at the end of the fixed-term, their bank has informed them that as from September their bond repayments will rise to R9000pm.”

Megan and Bruce are the exception.
The rest are in far deeper trouble.

Most people get into debt to support a ‘keeping up with the Jones’’ lifestyle, and it is pride that stops them from seeking help.
After all, what will the Jones’ think?

You are not alone.
Chances are that the Jones’ are in exactly the same boat as you, and are probably worrying about what you will think.

Pride has its roots in ‘what others think of you.’
Pride is a deadly sin and it stifles the essence of life.

What you think of yourself is what makes you who you are.
If you need help, get help.
It’s there for the taking.

Kader Khan

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