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Lolly Jackson claims that Caster Semenya was the furthest thing from his mind when he came up with the idea for his latest banner advertising Teazers in Rivonia.

Probably bullshit.

When he goes on to say that ‘maybe I’m directing it at Leonard Chuene. I do not lie when I put my billboards up there’ he exposes his intellect.

This banner is simply in bad taste.
Really bad taste.

First For Woman Insurance 

Jackson claims that a ‘probably’ fat and ugly religious fool laid a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority regarding this banner.

No Lolly.
This is not the first banner that you display in Rivonia street.
The fat and ugly religious fools simply climb up and mutilate your banners.
Like this.

I suspect that the person who complained simply complained because the banner is in bad taste.
Really bad taste.

I do however agree with you when you say ‘ASA is a bunch of idiots’.

Regarding this billboard, Corne Koch, communications manager for ASA, said that they had received a complaint on September 19, with the complainant claiming the advert was offensive. They have yet to take action, as they are waiting for Jackson to provide them with an image of the advert.

A royal bunch of idiots.

Kader Khan

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