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HELLO GOD PART THREE - Friday 30 January 2009

Now that I accept that I am part of God and that my purpose is to live, I can begin defining ‘to live.’

I am part of God, and it goes without saying that I recognise the fact that everything else is part of God, and as such I should live and co-exist in harmony with the rest of God.

The essence of living is love, and the premise of love is loving myself.
Love is not an emotion. The word love is a verb – a doing word - and it requires effort.
Love is in fact hard work.

In order to love effectively it is necessary for me to incorporate all the principles of work into my effort to love successfully.
I need to familiarise myself with and understand the concept, then I need to equip myself with the necessary skills required, I need to devise a plan and strategy, develop a code whereby I will conduct my life, and then dedicate myself to doing everything in my power to nurture the love that I have for myself.

This becomes my personal straight and narrow path to heaven

Once I actively and effectively love myself, I will incorporate others into my love.
Nurturing the love that I have for myself means that I will not do anything to in any way harm, hurt, hinder or disrespect myself.
Incorporating others into my love means that I will co-exist with them in the same way.

Following your own personal straight and narrow path is rejoicing in God. This is what glorifying God means, this is what worshipping God means, and this is what loving God means.

The universe reacts to my action and therefore God rewards or punishes me through my own actions.

It is vital that I grasp this concept completely.
My action determines my reward or punishment in the here and now.
God is not going to reward me afterwards. Nor will God dish out punishment afterwards.

How I live my life determines if I am fulfilled or unfulfilled when I die.
It determines whether I die in heaven or in hell.
Forever. As far as I know, there are no second chances.

I hope to God that at least some of you, even just one of you, will grasp the next few lines.

God is the creator and the judge.
I am a living, functional, complete, intelligent, responsible and very important part of God.
There is but one God, and I will not worship false idols.


THE SECRET OF SUCCESS - Thursday 29 January 2008

Years ago, when I was struggling musician, I used to communicate with world renowned pianist Chick Corea.
Once I asked him for some advice on how to make it as a musician.

His response was: In music, as with everything else in life, the secret of success is very simple. There are only two steps.
Step 1: Decide what you want to do.
Step 2: Do it

This may sound like a simple plan, but it is actually quite complex.

Many people say ‘Deciding is easy. It’s the doing that’s the hard part.’
This is not true.

In order to ‘Decide what you want to do’ it is necessary to research and analyse everything about your choice.

Chick Corea also said, ‘To be an accomplished jazz musician, playing your instrument should be like breathing. There is no time to think breathe in….breathe out.’
As you think/hear the melody or phrase in your head it should flow out of your instrument.

To do this, it is necessary to study music at the very least up to a Grade 8 Performers Diploma. It is also necessary to practice your instrument for a minimum of 9 hours a day every day on top of this.
If you plan on playing original music, you need to identify the top twenty exponents of your particular instrument in the world, and copy every note that they have ever played, note for note. How else would you know if your music is original. You could practice for years only to find that someone else had been playing the same thing for as many years.

Step 2 “Do It’ therefore means that for a good few years you have to dedicate up to 14 hours a day, seven days a week, to studying and practicing your instrument.
This takes serious dedication and very hard work. It also means sacrificing things like, amongst others, leisure, entertainment and a social life.

Are you able to do this - and then - are you really prepared to do this. Do you want it badly enough?

So, when you are able to take an informed decision as to ‘Decide what you want to do’, Step 2 is the easier one.

What do YOU want to do?


FOUR FINGERED PIANIST INSPIRES - Wednesday 28 January 2009

In yesterdays article I said ‘how you live with what you have’ will determine who you are.
Hee Ah Lee personifies this principle perfectly.

Hee Ah Lee was born in Seoul, Korea on July 9, 1985.
At birth she only had two fingers on each hand and no legs below her kneecaps.
This would have been sufficient reason for most people to give up any hope in life.

At the age of seven Hee Ah started playing the piano.
At the time she did not dream of becoming a pianist, and her only hope was to strengthen her fingers to be able to hold a pencil.

As time went by, however, piano became her strongest inspiration and best friend. By playing the piano, she could derive a great deal of emotional stability as well as visit many different places and meet many interesting people.

Today, as an accomplished pianist, her biggest goal in life is to share her experiences with others, especially those who were born with disabilities or are suffering from atrocities in life. With her positive attitude and big smile, Hee Ah has been a musical ambassador wherever she went to play the piano. She has performed in 10 countries including America, China and Malaysia. Her repertoire includes Chopin, Beethoven, Pachelbel, and Liszt, among other composers.

Most recently she was the torch-carrier in Korea for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games. Currently she is living in Korea with her mother. She is attending Korea’s National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare and is busy performing, recording, and sharing her experiences with other people.


THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS - Monday 26 January 2009

Somewhere in THE PLEASURE CRUISE TO HEAVEN I have to include a section on happiness.
Defining happiness, exploring happiness and attaining happiness will all have to be covered.

I am not ready to write that section, but I have started thinking about it, and I suspect that one could probably write a whole book on the subject.
For now, I am just wondering aloud, and you are welcome to come along for the ride.

For example, did you know that mood and temperament are partially determined by genes? Until today, I did not know this.
But, your genes are just another one of the many things that you have. They may play a partial role in your ability to be happy, but they do not determine it.
It’s how you live with it that counts.

Authentic happiness, or subjective well-being, depends little on the so-called ‘good things in life’ such as wealth, health, good looks or social status, or the lack thereof.
True happiness relates more to how you live your life with what you have.

How you live with what you have, including poverty or wealth will determine your happiness.
If you allow poverty to consume everything else in your life you will be constantly unhappy. It will stop you from enjoying the simple things in your life, like spending time with your loved ones, appreciating nature or just simply relaxing.
It will interfere with your performance at work, your relationships and your health.

In the same way wealth, and especially sudden wealth, can consume your life. It will interfere with all of the above.
And hence the saying money can’t buy happiness, which incidentally had to originate from a very wealthy person. How would a poor person know this?

I am not trying to bullshit you, or myself for that matter.
Money makes the world go round. It is a necessity in today's world and it would be wonderful to have an abundance of it. It would be much better than poverty, but I am not convinced that it would be easier to attain authentic happiness with wealth than it would be with poverty.

Statistics show that 95% of all big lottery winners return to their previous level of happiness after one year. 70% of them are also broke after one year.

I have so much more to say on the subject of happiness, but this is an online article, and research shows that if it contains anything more than 500 words, people get bored and leave the page.
Are you still here?


THE PLEASURE CRUISE TO HEAVEN - Friday 23 January 2009

Based on personal experience, I am writing a series of articles on personal growth towards a balanced, fulfilled and happy life, for the simple man.

Ultimately I will compile the articles into an E-Book that I hope to eventually sell online.
In the meantime, I will regularly post excerpts from the work, The Pleasure Cruise to Heaven on the site, where you can peruse them free of charge!

The two articles that I posted under the heading Hello God is part of this work and has already generated quite a stir.
I welcome comments - positive or negative – so please feel free to make use of the ‘Make a Comment’ module at the bottom of the page.

There are many books on the subject of Self Improvement and Personal Growth out there – and I have read quite a few.
The content of these books are largely similar, and the majority of them include a chapter on religion and God.
These inclusions are usually towards the end of the book, where the author praises and thanks God for his grace.
It would normally take the form of ‘Without who’s wisdom this book and the insights therein would not have been possible’ – ‘Above all I thank God for guiding me and giving me the inspiration….’, or something like that.

I contend that addressing the issue of God is the premise of a balanced, fulfilled and happy life, and to that end I will start this work by doing just that.
This is by no means a religious chapter.
Merriam-Webster defines the word religious as:
- relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.
I do not claim that this work is ‘an acknowledged ultimate reality’, I am not seeking your ‘faithful devotion’, and I am certainly not a ‘deity.’ (one exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful)

Nowhere does anyone disclaim that the books of the great religions is a patchwork put together many years after the actual events.
I believe that over millennia these noble attempts at establishing a code for co-existence have been distorted and manipulated to where today it does not hold any water.

I also believe that such a moral code is essential to co-existence, and it is certainly paramount to living a balanced, fulfilled and happy life.

In this work I am simply sharing my experiences, observations, opinions and deductions along this path


WhY DO WE LIE - Wednesday 21 January 2009

In order to talk about honesty and truthfulness, it is necessary to explore the opposite.
Telling the truth certainly requires much less effort and skill than lying does, so why do people lie?

At a very early age, our social conditioning taught us that lying was an easy option to avoid punishment for doing something wrong.
As we progress through life and if left to its own devices, this practice blossoms to include many other reasons for, and forms of lying.

We have all encountered the person who exaggerates or twists the truth for effect. He or she will lie about their income or wealth, maybe following this through by getting into debt to appear to have more than others. There are those who pretend to know more about a lot of things, claiming superior knowledge, or even qualifications. Or the girl who tells everyone she has several boyfriends, when in fact, she has none, like the boys who claim to have had sex with many partners, but have little or no sexual experience.

People lie for various reasons like;
- to avoid prosecution or other consequence
- to avoid rejection
- to enhance social acceptance and the preservation of reputation
- to avoid a truth they think might hurt another's feelings

There are many other reasons why people lie, but the above reasons have their roots in fear.
Fear of punishment or consequence, fear of rejection or failure, and fear of social perception.

This fear is directly relative to your self-esteem, and in order to explore the joyous path of truth and honesty, we need to work on our esteem.

If you ask your best friend for an opinion on the doubtful new outfit that you had just bought and she said truthfully ‘You look ridiculous.’
Would you;
- punish her (call her a malicious bitch)
- reject her (never talk to her again)
- destroy her social reputation (tell everyone else she’s a malicious bitch)

Wouldn’t it hurt your feelings much more if she said ‘You look gorgeous’ and then you wore the outfit in public and a hundred people thought ‘She looks ridiculous.’

There are people out there who lie to further their own needs, but they are an entirely different breed and do not warrant inclusion here.

Pathological liars are said to have 22% more white matter in their prefrontal cortex than "normal" people.
They cannot help themselves, and are said to be the most believable liars, because they actually believe their own lies.
Now that sounds like fun!


THE ESSENCE OF PERSONAL GROWTH - Tuesday 20 January 2009

Lets get right into it.
A balanced lifestyle includes gossip, scandal, partying and being attracted to the opposite - sometimes same - sex.
We are all human and there is no sense in pretending to be perfect. Besides, perfect would be absolutely boring.
The key is to find your personal balance. You and you alone decides what that balance is.

The only requisite is that you use the special and unique gift that humans possess.

If after thinking it through carefully, you decide that you are happy with having a job, partying as often as possible, being seen as fashionable, drinking, drugging and humping and then going to mosque on Friday, Synagogue on Saturday or Church on Sunday to cover your tracks, then so be it.
This site is no longer for you. Yes. I am repeating myself!

If you want a little more out of life and you are in search of true happiness, then read on.

Aspects of personal growth that this site will explore include

Truth: To rid your life of falsehood and denial
Love: To develop your ability to connect with yourself and others
Power: To motivate and discipline yourself to create the life you desire
Authority: To take command of your life, and learn to make clear decisions
Courage: To summon the inner strength to take action in spite of fear
Intelligence: To live authentically, and express your genuine essence

Achieving happiness and fulfillment is hard work, but the rewards are infinite.
And, with practice, you will start really enjoying it, and the process itself becomes the biggest reward.


THE TRUTH ABOUT DETOX - Monday 19 January 2009

Over the holiday season we have abused our bodies by taking in excessive amounts of toxins in the form of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, tannin and excess sugar.
Now we feel a distinct need to detox.

The corporate hype machine depends on our gullibility to keep them in business and even before the season is over we are bombarded with ads for the very latest products that we need in order to detoxify our bodies.

But, do they really work, and do we need them?
The answer from the experts is a resounding no.

The latest product being advertised on TV is Detox Foot Pads, and the ad tells us that we can actually see proof that the pads work, because they turn black overnight from all the toxins that they absorb from the body.

The American FDA tested this product years ago, and found that the pads turn black even when they are exposed to distilled water.

The truth is that is no detox medication actually helps, and the body does not need help in the first place.

Your liver is a major detoxification organ as it renders the poisons that enter your body harmless. It is often congested from overwork. The liver changes toxic substances into harmless matter that your blood would carry to your kidneys, or through the bile into the intestines. Your entire body helps in the detox process as waste leaves your body through the sweat, your skin being your largest detoxification organ. Water is required in all these processes so drink at least eight to ten large glasses of water daily.

The only process that may require a bit of help is getting rid of the gunk that sticks to your colon.
Simply eat more yoghurt, fresh fruit and vegetables and fiber and save the money you would have spent on the pills, herbs and pads for something useful



Friday 16 January 2009
Ever wonder why Russian women actively seek partners from abroad?
Russian women do not choose between Russian men and foreign men. They choose between staying single for life and having their own family.

There is a simple reason for this.
There are 10 million more women than men in Russia!

The ladies below are all currently listed on www.russianbrides.com

The inherent cultural notion for a Russian woman is to get married and have a family, and a Russian woman will never be seen as successful if she is not married.
This is why even successful career women feel unfulfilled if they don't have a husband and family, and some of them use search for a partner abroad as an option.

There is also some truth in the myth that Russian men do not make good husbands.

Infidelity is common in Russia.
Besides having all those women around, in Russian culture sleeping around is a kind of honor for a man.

And finally, one of the most prominent Russian traditions is hard drinking.

We all know the effect that hard drinking can have on monogamy where the men are concerned, but apparently the women drink just as much.
Imagine how frustrated they must get.



Thursday 15 January 2009
hello god
it’s so nice to finally meet you
i’ve heard so much about you
finally i can put a face to the name

you don’t look anything
like the picture that I had in my mind

I’m so happy
to have you as a friend
i can’t wait to introduce you
to some of my other friends

Ancient Hindu legend has it that at one time all men on earth were gods.
Man abused his privilege and destroyed his right to enjoy his Divine Heritage.

The Brahma God, God of all Gods, then decided to remove the Godhead from man.
He was very much puzzled as to what to do with it.
He wanted to hide it where man himself would be unable to find it.

Rather than assume this great responsibility, the Brahma God decided to call a meeting of all the other Gods to help him decide where to hide man's Godhead.

The Brahma God asked for suggestions.
One God suggested that the Godhead be removed from man and placed on the highest mountain peak.
The Brahma God said: "No, do not hide it there. Man will climb the mountains and he will scan its highest peaks and find it."

Another God suggested that the Godhead be buried down deep in the ground.
The Brahma God said: "No, do not hide it in the ground. Man will dig in the ground searching for gold, silver and other precious metals, and there he will find it."

Another God suggested that they sink it in the deepest part of the ocean.
The Brahma God said: "No, do not hide it in the bottom of the ocean. Man will dive and search out the bottom of the seas and there he will find it."

Finally, the God of Wisdom said: "Then, let us hide the Godhead deep down in Man himself." "Yes," the Brahma God said, "we will hide it there, because Man will never think to look for it within himself."

It is still there, and mostly Man is constantly digging, climbing, searching, looking for it everywhere but in the right place.

This is the first of a series of articles on this broad subject that will be continued at intervals



Wednesday 14 January 2009
Ever wondered where the f-word comes from?
Urban Legend and folklore offer two variations.

The first is that in ancient Britain (early 1200s), fornication was forbidden unless you had consent from the king. When a couple wanted to have a baby they had to apply for permission from the king.

If approved, the king would give them an official placard to hang over their door.
The placard read...

Fornication Under Consent of the King

The second version claims that during colonial times, when someone was found guilty of prostitution they would be punished by being placed in the stocks and beaten.

The letters F.U.C.K would be scrawled on the stocks, because the offense For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge was too long to fit on the planks.

Experts dismiss both these claims as being imaginative bullshit, but they do contend that these variations could prove that half of the English are sons of bitches.

They claim that the word fuck is derived from the Pseudo-Latin fuccant, meaning 'they fornicate'.

Come to think of it, fuccant may also be the origin of the word cunt? _________________________________


Tuesday 13 January 2009
“We like Zuma because he is like us,’ said Lungelwa, my once-a-week executive housekeeper.
She clarified ‘like us’ by saying ‘He is not educated.’
Lungelwa represents the masses, and it is the vote of the masses that wins elections.

Note her intentional choice of words ‘not educated’ as opposed to ‘uneducated.’
The masses perceive being called uneducated as being called stupid, and an insult.
They do agree though, and lately with a degree of pride, that they are not educated.
The pride stems from the fact that the President of the ruling party, and possibly the next president of their country is ‘like us.’

The masses relate more easily to individuals than to political parties.
They are followers and followers need a leader.
The fact that their leader is making empty promises about jobs, housing, land reform, free healthcare and better education matters not to them.
They are not really listening.
The fact that these promises have been made before and promptly forgotten after elections does not matter to them.
They are not really listening.
All they care about is that he is ‘like us.’
They will vote for him, and indeed worship him, because they believe that he is one of them.

Zuma has, intentionally or unintentially, become a very powerful man in South Africa.
What then does the Supreme Court ruling in favour of the NPA re-charging him mean for South Africa?

The masses not only win elections, they also fight wars and cause civil unrest.
If ‘the system’ prevents their hero from being their leader, I suspect that it won’t take much to incite them to embark on anarchy and unrest.

The Supreme Court judgement was fair and just, but I am afraid it’s a little too late to repair the damage caused by Judge Nicholson’s ruling.

Kader Khan

February Archive