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Crime is a major problem in South Africa.
I have often stated that criminals should be punished – harshly – very harshly – very very harshly, and that anyone found guilty of committing a crime would by that very act compromise his or her own human rights.

I have also stated that in order to deal with the escalating crime, and the progressively more violent and blatant criminals, we need a police force.
Not a police service.

Jacob Zuma has listened to me, and he is advocating exactly that.

He is the President after all, and did we not complain that Mbeki was so busy with diplomacy and foreign affairs that he forgot about the people of South Africa?

Did we not want a president that would address our problems in a constructive and practical way?

Ok, many of us, and especially here in the Western Cape, were terrified of Zuma becoming President.

But in all fairness, the man has shown no signs of being the uneducated, corrupt, racist monster that even I was beginning to believe he would be.
In fact, to me at least, Jacob Zuma - touch wood – is showing signs of being exactly the kind of President that South Africa needs.


I am probably going to rustle some feathers for saying that, but I am known to be brutally honest, and I am also known for having no qualms about changing my mind and rearranging my truth.
I state that on this site.
If you have ever bothered to click on the ‘About the Site’ link on the homepage you would know that.

Zuma is at least tackling the issues that plague our country.

Why then is Helen Zille muttering about infringing on the human rights (of criminals)?

Is she maybe taking this opposition party thing too far?
Is her mission simply ‘to oppose?’

Kader Khan

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