The largest living thing on the face
of the Earth is a mushroom
underground in Oregon, it measures three and a half
miles in diameter.
9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison
invented the light bulb.
This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.
The town of Los Angeles, California,
was originally named El Pueblo
la Nuestra Senora de Reina de los Angeles de la Porciuncula.
Men can breastfeed babies.
The number of people alive on earth
right now is higher than the
number of all the people that have died. Ever.
If the history of the Earth were to
be measured in proportion to one year, man did not appear
until 8.30pm on 31 December.
After his death in 896, the body of
Pope Formosus was dug up and tried for a number of crimes.
After the Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson’s
body was brought back to England pickled in a barrel
of rum to stop it decomposing on the way home.
is the fear of long words.
There are over one hundred billion galaxies
with each galaxy having billions of stars.
It would take a modern spaceship 70,000
years to get to the nearest star to earth.
The Hawaiian alphabet has
only 12 letters.
A donkey can sink into quicksand but
a mule can’t.
The “Sixth Sick Sheik’s
Sixth Sheep’s Sick” is the hardest tongue-twister.
A flamingo can eat only when its head
is upside down.
The coconut is the largest seed in the
There is cyanide in apple pips.
The shortest war on record, between
Britain and Zanzibar in 1896, lasted just 38 minutes.
The Shell Oil Company originally began
as a novelty shop in London that sold seashells.
The surface area of the lungs is roughly
the same size as a tennis court.
If a sole (the fish) lays upon a chessboard
it can change the colouring of its body to match the
pattern of the chess board. The sole takes about 4 minutes
to make the change.
In the courts of the Roman Empire, instead
of swearing an oath on a bible, men swore to the truth
on their statements while holding their genitals. Hence
the word 'testify', from 'testicles'.
Kader Khan