


According to South Africa labour law, any worker can only work a maximum of 10 hours overtime per week.
That’s 40 hour per month, or 43.33 hours per month if you really want to get technical.

In order to earn R47 988.95 in overtime for the month, one would then need to earn R1107.52 per hour.
So who earns that kind of money?

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Why, municipal workers and security staffers in the Msunduzi Municipality of course.
That’s Pietermarizburg, in case, like me, you didn’t know.

For the months of July and August, one of deputy mayor Mervyn Dirk’s – is he related to Najwa? – bodyguard pocketed R93 567.44 in overtime. This excludes his basic pay.

And, he is not alone.
36 security staffers in the municipality are earning close to that every month.

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One security officer in training, who earns a basic salary of R10 245.55, pocketed R52 270.55 for the month!

Even refuse collectors are coining it. One managed to pocket R16 042.95 in overtime for September, a major boost to his basic monthly salary of R5 328.12. He grossed a tidy R21 371.07 for that month.

By last month, barely three months into the financial year, the municipality had already spent R25m of its R33.5m overtime budget.
That does not mean that the overtime party will come to an end though.

At the end of the 2008/09 financial year, The Witness reported that the municipality managed to exceed its R43.4m overtime budget by a whopping R22.5m.

The taxpayer of course, is footing the bill.

Kader Khan

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