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Having taught myself everything that I know about websites, I was a sitting duck for a rude awakening.

Yummie’s readership has been growing steadily over the past few months, so I did not raise an eyebrow when the bandwidth used also climbed.

Two months ago I doubled the original bandwidth allocation from 5000mb to 10000mb., and a month ago I had to add another 2000mb.

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By the 17th of this month that was also depleted and I had to up it to 15000mb, I became suspicious and contacted my host.
They advised that a photo of Tyra Banks, posted on the site in May had received 6 times the amount of requests of any other file on the site. They advised that I remove the file, which I did.

By yesterday morning I had used 14645mb, so I contacted the host again.

Turns out that some thieving American bastards have been stealing my bandwidth!
Welcome to the world of ‘hotlinking’ ‘ leeching’ ‘piggy-backing’, ‘direct linking’, ‘offsite image grabs’ and ‘bandwidth theft.’

Hostgator gave me instructions on how to enable ‘hotlink protection’ but when I tried to do that, I received an error message ‘Unable to access the file .htaccess. Permission denied.’
The frigging bastards had tampered with that file too.

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The issue has since been resolved, but I do not have enough bandwidth left to last until the end of this month.

So, if the site is down sometime this week saying ‘Bandwidth Exceeded’, please bear with me.
I will be back on 1 December.

The message from the server said ‘Hotlinking protection has been enabled on your site. This should prevent any further bandwidth theft.’

No way am I going to buy more bandwidth on a should be resolved promise.
I will wait until I know that it has been resolved.

The culprit by the way was identified as the site
Frigging cheap thieving bastards.

Kader Khan

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