Lolly was recently forced to remove
a billboard featuring the slogan ‘No Need For
Gender Testing’ at the time when the Caster Semenya
fiasco peaked in the media.
I think that Lolly is very much aware
of the publicity that his controversial billboards will
create, and that by the time he is forced to remove
them, the objective would have been exceeded.
That’s brilliant marketing.
In case you think that I am speaking with a forked tongue
because I thought the gender-testing billboard was in
bad taste, I still feel that that particular one was
in bad taste because of the sensitive and personal implication
to Caster Semenya. (Is that proper language?)
But, my personal opinion
does not take away from the marketing brilliance.
It’s a dog eats dog world out there, and I know
that principles and ideals are not conducive to success
in business.
Regarding his latest banner, Lolly says
‘At Teazers, our golden rule is ‘No Touching.’
If I want to tell you in Afrikaans that you should only
look at something, it’s ‘Kyk Net.’
The billboard is placed
right in front of M-Net’s building.
Jackson gave Caster Semenya R20k after
he took down the ‘gender-testing’ banner,
because ‘she gave me a lot of mileage.’
I wonder of he will make M-Net a similar
offer after December 11?
Kader Khan