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It is really sad that, that even in this day and age, by voicing my perspective on Heritage versus Progress, I am probably going out on a limb and inviting the wrath of a huge chunk of the population.

Surely communication is an essential element of building a united, healthy and free nation?

With eleven official languages in South Africa, we have certainly added a new dimension to the American idiotsyncracy ‘You know what I’m saying?
And yes, I do mean I an idiot’s individualizing characteristic.

In order to communicate effectively, we need to understand each other, and a common - if not universal - language would be a handy tool in this endeavour.

Why then do we have eleven official languages in South Africa?
To preserve our heritage, we are told.
To show a healthy respect for diversity, we are told.
To recognise all the nations within our nation, if that makes any sense, we are told.

To ensure that we never understand each other, even on the very basic platform of communication, I say.

Eleven official languages is a handy tool to promote alienation, segregation and even mutual intimidation.

As a young democracy, we are encouraged to be pro-active in building and developing a strong, healthy, united and free new South African nation.

Eleven official languages is certainly a handy tool to hamper this noble dream.

Talk about world peace!

Kader Khan

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