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Love it or hate it, forbidden or worshipped, in liberation or in excess, shaken or stirred.
Whatever your fancy, alcohol is here to stay.

It has been here for centuries, and for centuries it has been the cause of much regret, much enjoyment, much embarrassment, much crying, and certainly much laughter.

This list of funny sayings and quotes about alcohol is sure to bring you a smile.

1. Alcohol is necessary for man so that he may have a good opinion of himself, undisturbed by the facts.

2. I love cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

3. Alcohol may cause pregnancy.

4. Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love thy enemy

5. 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence ?

6. The problem with some people is that when they aren't drunk, they're sober.

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7. Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer

8. I have made an important discovery…that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication

9. There are better things in life than alcohol, but alcohol makes up for not having them.

10. Drinking is not a solution, unless we are talking about alcohol.

11. Drinking beer without vodka is a waste of money

12. One of the disadvantages of alcohol is that it makes man mistake words for thought.

Kader Khan

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