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Tuesday 7 February 2012


At 04h20 on the morning of Saturday 4 February 2012, I had been on this earth for 525 960 hours, or 21 915 days, or 60 years.
If my genes can be trusted I will still be around for many years, but people see this as a milestone. A special birthday if you will.
And the daughter went out of her way to treat me to an unforgettable 24 hours in the company of those closest to me.
I am sure she was aiming for ‘Awesome!’, and awesome it was.

Food for Thought
Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone.

I am not one for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries etc, but for me personally this day marked a completely different kind of occasion.

For most, the 21st birthday is probably the most significant of all.
This signals the ‘coming of age’ and the entrance into the adult world.
The world of taking responsibility for creating your own life.

By age 21, the parents would have prepared and equipped their offspring for this responsibility.
Well, they should have.
But not all parents are aware of, or fulfil this duty.
Some of them don’t give two hoots about the future of their children.
Others try to relive their own lives through their children.

To cut a long story short.
For the first thirteen years of my life, my mother controlled my life, She dictated what I could or could not do, when I should do what, and everything else to do with my life.
My father didn’t give a damn.

Just before my thirteenth birthday, I rebelled against this ‘control’ and ‘ran away from home.’
Shortly after this I was introduced to drugs.
At the time, I was not at all aware of the fact that I was in control of my own destiny.
The absence of my mother’s ‘control’ left a vacuum that I was not even aware of.
Let alone how to fill that vacuum.

But it was easy.
For the next twenty-six years I allowed drugs to fill that vacuum. I allowed drugs to control my life.

Then, on my thirty-ninth birthday, as a gift to myself, I booked myself into the drug rehabilitation program at Lentegeur Psychiatric Hospital.
That is the day when the person that I am today was actually born.

So chronologically I may have turned sixty, but for me Saturday 4 February 2012 marked twenty-one years of the process of being prepared and equipped to take the responsibility of creating a life that would at least give me a fair chance at attaining happiness.

Sometime in 1954
4 February 2012

I had to do it on my own, and that was a long and very hard process, but now I have finally ‘come of age’ I am hopeful that I am finally equipped to create that happiness.

Like I said, I suspect that I will still be around for a while.
Quite scary actually.

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Kader Khan